PTV Map&Guide

How-to videos

Der Lkw Routenplaner PTV Map&Guide vereinfacht jede komplexe Planung und sorgt so für höhere Gewinne, mehr Kundenzufriedenheit und sogar eine bessere Mitarbeitermotivation.

Lernen Sie hier Ihre ersten Schritte mit PTV Map&Guide oder verfeinern Sie Ihre Kenntnisse mit Videos für Fortgeschrittene.

PTV Map&Guide
How to calculate a route
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PTV Map&Guide
Settings - How to adjust route parameters
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PTV Map&Guide
Benchmarking - How to compare routes
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PTV Map&Guide
How to optimise time slots
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PTV Map&Guide
Orders - How to create and edit your orders
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PTV Map&Guide
How to import customer data
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PTV Map&Guide
Drag & Drop - How to move stop-off points or orders
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PTV Map&Guide
How to add new use cases
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PTV Map&Guide
Pricing - How to determine margins and selling prices
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PTV Map&Guide
Break-even analysis - How to examine your profit margin
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PTV Map&Guide
Cost profiles - How to create cost and salary profiles
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PTV Map&Guide
Minimum wage - How to calculate minimum wages
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